The police are involved in every single case that takes place on the planet and have a variety of roles, some ranging from the average officer to important inspectors. The police stay very close to the media and tell them what they can and cant put in their reports based on moral and ethical reasons, they are not as involved in the investigation process as most of the people in the investigation team but they still play a vital role. The police deal with most contact with the public such as taking statements and questioning suspects of the crime. However, there are different people in the police who deal with different parts of the investigation, for example there will be a media team who will deal with the media, there will be a house to house team who will go around taking statements and finding information about the area the crime had taken place in as well as people who interrogate suspects of the crime, to name a few. If the police attend a different investigation then their roles and responsibilities may change as they are needed to do different things in different investigations, such as in the case of an armed robbery it would be the polices job and responsibility to make sure everyone who was at the scene is safe and get the proper care they need.
Fire Investigation
The police have a very large and important role in every fire investigation. However, they only get involved in non-accidental fires meaning that that fire was purposely created, if the fire was accidental then it is usually left to the fire service to first control the fire and then deal with the after affects, but the police may still be present for safety reasons. Accoding to http://www.firesafe.org.uk/fire-investigation/ the police are one of the first set of people to arrive at a fire scene with the fire fighter (and the first attending officer), their main role at the scene is to try and protect the public from the fire while the firefighters extinguish it, this can be done in many different ways which might include sealing off the area as well as providing temporary first aid to the people who may be injured by the fire until an ambulance arrives. The police usually work in tandem with other organisations that are also currently at the fire scene to speed up the process. For example they could help the medical staff to transfer injured civilians into the back of the ambulances which could result in lives being saved as more people can get to the hospital at a faster rate, the police could also accompany the detectives visiting the fire scene as they have witnessed it first hand and may be able to provide information that could be beneficial to the case that the detectives are currently working on. In most fire investigations the police can be quite effective and provide support to the other organisation currently working on the scene, however, in some fire investigations the police are not needed and have no role to play but they are still present at every investigation which could result in the space becoming quite crowded and make it harder for other agencies who have a key role (such as firefighters, scenes of crime officers or specialist dog units) to carry out their jobs effectively, even though the police can provide help it may not always be needed.
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